
Healthcare Software Development – A Comprehensive Guide

Written by Emorphis Health · 12 min read
Healthcare Software Development guide

Introduction To Software Development For Healthcare Entities

Healthcare has been at the forefront of innovation after the Covid19 pandemic. More and more healthcare organizations are getting the help of software development companies to improve patient experience and streamline overall services. According to the data, the global healthcare software development market size was estimated at USD 29.18 billion in 2021 and it is predicted to reach USD 79.56 billion by 2030. This shows that the healthcare Sofware development market is booming at a rapid pace.  

In the current scenario, custom healthcare software development has become very important for healthcare organizations. With the help of a healthcare software development company, you can improve patient experience, build strong relationships with patients, and offer high-quality care. However, you must understand why you should give priority to these solutions. You will find the answer at the end of this blog.  

To develop advanced healthcare software, you can use a wide range of technologies. These technologies help a company to make highly scalable, and secure applications. Let’s have a look at technology platforms that help you to develop customized healthcare software within no time.

healthcare software development

Technology Platforms for Development    

As you must be aware that custom software development offers a huge number of benefits to the healthcare business. However, success lies in connecting with the right healthcare software development company that can develop high-quality products and services within no time. Furthermore, a wide range of technology platforms is available nowadays to design innovative healthcare applications or software.   

In the current scenario, every company wants a software solution that can offer various opportunities and helps to innovate further. It has become important to connect with a company that knows how to develop and offers a wide range of services like integration, customizations, application development, web development, and many more. Let’s understand what type of technology platforms have been used by healthcare software development companies.  

1. Web Development  

As per the research, 69 percent of Americans said they can switch to a different healthcare provider to get access to more convenient services. In addition, healthcare seekers believe in comparing and finding the best healthcare service for them. This shows that the majority of people are relying on online sources to find the right services. All these reasons justify why you should have an engaging website. To make the web more engaging and user-friendly technology platforms like .NET, Java, and PHP are in demand by healthcare software development companies for web development. .NET is an open-source platform for developing web applications that can run on any type of platform. This technology platform has a huge number of tools and languages that help to develop modern, scalable, highly advanced software.   

Just like .NET, PHP is another technology platform that is used by developers for web development. This particular platform is popular because it is fast, flexible, and secure. Laravel is an example of a PHP framework that helps developers to build dynamic website pages and applications.  

Java is another popular platform for healthcare web development

According to a report, 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Java. This technology has been there for a long time and powers huge platforms like LinkedIn, Amazon, Netflix, and many more. The widespread adoption of this technology shows why this must be considered for the development process. Furthermore, Java is an ideal platform for developing large applications as it allows us to communicate with several systems.  

All these technologies have been widely used by healthcare organizations for custom healthcare software development. It is important to consider that different technologies offer different types of benefits. The choice of technology will depend on the needs and requirements of the healthcare business. As you must have understood that these technologies are some of the most popular technologies for web development. A company that uses these technologies is likely to have a wide range of expertise and experience. The only important thing is to hire an experienced healthcare software development company that uses these technologies in making highly scalable, secure, and reliable systems.  

2. App Development  

For healthcare application development technologies like Android and IOS have been widely used by healthcare software providers. In addition, android and IOS are considered the most suitable platforms when it comes to application development. Both technologies have been dominating the market for a very long time. The healthcare applications developed on these platforms are highly secure. The reason is that these technology platforms put a major emphasis on security.   

One important thing is that healthcare organizations deal with huge amounts of sensitive information daily. To protect this information, it is essential to hire a healthcare software development company that uses Android and IOS technology platforms. By using these technologies healthcare developers can include many features and strengthen security with data encryption, authentication, and HIPAA compliance. These technologies also allow healthcare developers to easily integrate them with other devices.  

All these benefits and security measures are enough to say why both these platforms have become the first choice for healthcare app development. When developing a healthcare application, it is crucial to follow industry standards and regulations like HIPAA. This will ensure the applications’ safety and security. In addition, it is important to take the help of healthcare software development companies to ensure that the application is user-friendly and fulfills the needs of patients.  

3. Integration  

To integrate healthcare applications with other platforms technology platforms such as APIs, and HIE (healthcare information exchange), cloud platforms can be used by companies. In addition, APIs are used to connect applications and create interoperability. With the help of APIs healthcare software development companies can integrate different systems like electronic health records, billing systems, and many more. There are many benefits of APIs such as productivity improvement, keeping data in sync, and increasing revenue. We can also say that APIs are a must if you want to improve doctor-patient relationships and achieve healthcare interoperability.  

Another popular technology platform is the cloud-based platform that helps to integrate applications. Some of the most popular cloud-based platforms are Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and many more. To smoothly integrate the application, you must follow a set of rules and regulations. Integrations cannot be possible without the safe and secure exchange of data. FHIR and HL7 are the specific standards that allow healthcare software development companies to smoothly exchange data without worrying about any security issues.  

We can say that the right healthcare integration service provider company can fulfill all your requirements. From requirements gathering to post-deployment support, all must have been covered by the healthcare software company. Before hiring any healthcare software developer, you should ensure that the company abides by the standards and offers post-deployment support as well.  

4. Customizations  

Tools like data analytics help healthcare developers to analyze huge amounts of data, identify trends, assess potential risks, and many more. Furthermore, artificial intelligence can be implemented to enhance the user experience. The AI-powered chatbots can answer patient queries within no time. This can significantly improve user experience. On the other hand, business intelligence tools can be used to gain insights into the application performance and user experience. By using business intelligence tools healthcare developers can understand what kind of improvements can be made to enhance the performance of the application.  

Custom healthcare app development can be improved by implementing all these tools and technologies. We know that the process of custom healthcare software development is complex and requires skills and expertise. However, you must know that healthcare app development, integration, customization and all can be done by a custom healthcare software development company. You just have to conduct thorough research and hire an experienced healthcare software development company.   

After understanding all about the technology platforms and their role in healthcare app development, integration, and many more, you must have a look at the benefit that a custom healthcare software development company offers to healthcare companies.  

The Benefits of Custom Software for Healthcare Companies   

In the current scenario, companies face continuous pressure to adopt new technologies to offer high-quality care. To manage healthcare delivery and enhance customer experience companies have started taking the help of healthcare software development companies. A credible software development company helps healthcare organizations develop custom healthcare software which helps to fulfill specific demands. However, one should understand how custom software can improve healthcare delivery and operations.   

To know this, you must look at the benefits of custom healthcare software:  

a. Automate tasks  

Healthcare software development helps to automate a wide range of tasks such as patient registration, form filing, appointment booking, and many more. This helps healthcare companies to focus on offering high-quality care most effectively. These types of custom healthcare software are highly useful for doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. In addition, the manual management task results in errors, and wasted time and affects patient experience. As per our experience, we suggest you hire a credible software development company to get your requirements fulfilled within no time.  

b. Efficient patient management  

Software like EHR (electronic health record), and EMR (electronic medical record) help to manage patient data. In addition, organizations can hire a custom healthcare Sofware development company to develop custom healthcare software. By using customized software, healthcare organizations can improve patient experience and offer effective services.  

c. Improve healthcare delivery  

As a healthcare software development company, your main goal is to offer high-quality care to the patient. This goal can be achieved by developing a custom healthcare application that can eliminate mistakes and misreporting. Hence you have more people to focus on improving healthcare delivery. The custom healthcare software development company incorporates cutting-edge technologies. So, you can attain desired results and attain a competitive advantage. 

d. Improve data security  

Custom healthcare software development companies understand the importance of data security. The company keeps in mind making the software HIPAA compliant and meeting the necessary security standards. In addition, the custom software development uses data encryption and makes sure that the patient information is safe and secure. All these factors help to increase data security and make customized software.  

These are some of the benefits of going for custom software development. By developing customized healthcare software, you can stay compliant, improve processes, increase productivity, scalability, and many more. To reap all the necessary benefits of custom healthcare software you must get in touch with us. After understanding about benefits you must know what to expect from a healthcare development company to avoid any confusion and get smooth services. 

Software Development Process: What to Expect When Working with a Development Company

Software development is a systematic approach that focuses on designing high-quality software most effectively. The main aim of the software development company is to design high-quality software within the estimated cost and time frame. In the current scenario, custom software development has become very popular because of the advantages it offers. By using custom healthcare software, healthcare organizations can save costs and meet their needs most effectively. Healthcare organizations have also understood that custom healthcare software is scalable, reliable, and fulfills specific needs.  

Healthcare software development is a complex process, so it is important to develop a plan. To create high-quality healthcare software the company must understand the client’s requirements. Let’s have a look at some of the major steps carried out by healthcare software development companies to design high-quality healthcare apps:  

1. Collecting the necessary details  

This is the primary step conducted by the software development company to understand what the main purpose of the software will be. In addition, you must hire a credible and experienced healthcare app development company. The right development partner will follow regulatory compliance like HIPAA, and GDPR and implement them in the software design and delivery plans. In this initial step, the company will also identify the potential risks and design a risk mitigation plan to save you from any uncertainty. As a matter of fact, in this phase, the development company understands the key features and functionality that the software will need to meet the needs of the healthcare organization. In addition, they Identify any regulatory or compliance requirements that the software will need to adhere to.  

By taking the time to fully understand the needs and requirements of the healthcare organization, developers can create custom software solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.  

2. Focus on making an easy-to-use and accessible design  

After understanding the client’s requirements, the software development company focuses on designing a prototype of the healthcare product. In addition, the company focuses on assessing and collecting information to develop a raw solution. In this step, the company also keeps in mind to understand that the design of the application must be user-friendly, accessible, and straightforward. It is important to note that a complex interface affects the user engagement with the application. The application must be easy to use and do not require any further assistance.  

However, all this can be done by hiring a healthcare software development company. Credible healthcare software development will make sure to make the best use of your time. In addition, you will be able to get the exact product that you have imagined. To get a thorough understanding of the development and benefits of healthcare applications you can check a comprehensive guide for healthcare app development

3. Development  

After collecting requirements and making a prototype the developer begins with the actual work. In this step, the healthcare software development team ensures that the custom software is built based on the project guidelines. In this stage, all the experts like developers, project managers, and testers are involved to make highly effective custom healthcare software. The developers also conduct thorough testing to find out any errors in the initial phase. This makes sure to enhance the custom software development process and improve overall outcomes in the most effective manner.  

On the other hand, the quality check team makes sure that all the requirements are met. The custom software development company also implements advanced security features like data encryption and multi-factor authentication.  

4. Testing  

After the development phase, the healthcare development team focuses on testing the software against different parameters. In this phase, the quality team finds bugs and resolves them within no time. In addition, testing helps to identify and fix bugs and errors, improve usability, and ensure that the software is reliable, secure, and compliant with regulatory requirements.   

The testing phase should be planned and executed carefully to ensure that all aspects of the software are tested thoroughly. Testing should start early in the development process and should be performed at each stage of the development cycle to catch any issues early on  

5. Support and maintenance  

This is the last step that is followed by the custom healthcare software development team. In addition, the team focuses on keeping the systems up to date and fixing any errors that may affect the performance of the software. The custom healthcare software development team optimizes and adds new features to improve the product. This step is all about offering constant support to make the final product successful and making adjustments to respond to the changes.  

Now you may have understood how a custom healthcare software development company works. According to our experience, a credible healthcare development company focuses on understanding the requirements and developing a high-quality product. In addition, a credible custom healthcare Sofware development company ensures that the final product is safe, saves cost, improves patient engagement, and many more.   

By hiring the right custom healthcare software development company, you can develop solutions that can fulfill your specific needs most effectively. Let’s have a look at some points to understand how to choose the right software development company to reap all the necessary benefits.  


How to Choose a Software Development Company For Your Healthcare Business?

We know that it is difficult to choose the right software development company. However, you can focus on a few points to know whether the company can be suitable for you or not. We believe that the right software development company can design and develop the best product that can fulfill your demands in the best possible manner. Another important thing is that they will focus on constant communication and offer a frictionless experience.  

Let’s have a look at some of the significant points you should keep in mind while looking for a healthcare software development company:  

A. Research software development companies   

You should begin by searching for the top-rated custom healthcare software development company. In addition, you can get referrals from the networks as it can help you connect with the right and credible software development company. It will not only save time but also help you to get real feedback about the company.  

A credible and experienced healthcare software development company knows how to fulfill a client’s requirements without comprising the quality. In addition, you must research the company size, skills, projects they have delivered, available services, experience with technology, and many more. On the other hand, the company must be able to understand the purpose of your software and other features that can make it a success.  

B. Analyze their area of expertise and their experience as a healthcare software development company  

It is important to check the portfolio and case studies of a company that you want to hire. In addition, you should check the customer feedback and analyze the past project developed by the company. This will help you to understand whether the company has worked on similar types of projects or not. A right healthcare development company must possess expertise in developing healthcare software and applications. The company that you are going to hire must know what they are going to develop and make constant communication with you.  

If you are worried about selecting the right custom healthcare software development partner, we suggest you get in touch with us. As a custom healthcare software development company, we believe in developing high-quality products so that you can achieve desired goals within no time. Check out healthcare software development services to know more about the services offered by us and develop high-quality custom healthcare software products within no time.  

C. Carefully understand the security measures followed by them  

When you outsource any task to a software development team, they have access to all the necessary information. In this case, you must ask your development partner about the handling of data. You should know any mismanagement may end up with your customer’s data in the wrong hand. In addition, you should ask your software development partner in advance what security measures they are going to follow to ensure data safety.  

The right software development company will follow HIPAA compliance and other local regulations to design safe and secure applications.  

D. Find out what type of support they offer post development  

After the completion of the healthcare software, the main thing begins which is post-development support. Post-development support offers necessary support to help you deal with changing technologies and make the application more effective and efficient. In addition, the data protocols and security standards can change from time to time so the company will be able to offer the right support at the right time.  

As a leading custom healthcare software developer, we know how to create high-quality healthcare software. We offer 24×7 support and help you with the upgrades to keep you ahead of the competition. If you are thinking about developing custom healthcare software, then hire our healthcare software and developers. The solutions developed by us have already benefitted a huge number of clients in their healthcare app development journey. 

Why Hire Emorphis as a Custom Healthcare Software Development Company?  

After analyzing the overall information, we can say that a custom healthcare software development company can give you an edge over your competitors. Apart from this, you can get access to a wide range of services like integration, customization, healthcare app development, and web development. The above information also highlighted that digital transformation is only possible with the help of advanced technology solutions.  

At Emorphis, our healthcare software development team can help you increase productivity, and quality of care, reduce costs, and many more. In addition, we offer full support from the requirement gathering to post-deployment. With us, you can ease your healthcare digital transformation journey.  

If you are thinking about developing custom healthcare software, then make sure to contact our healthcare software development experts.  

Written by Emorphis Health
Emorphis has built a reputation for fostering a culture of agility and adaptability. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the company thrives on embracing change and helping clients navigate digital disruptions with confidence. The team at Emorphis is comprised of forward-looking individuals who are not just experts in their fields but are also dedicated to pushing the limits of what technology can achieve. Profile